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ECOEA Standing Committees

A maximum of six member appointments will be made to each committee for a three-year term by the ECOEA Executive Committee. Any ECOEA member is eligible to serve. Here is a brief description of each ECOEA Standing Committee followed by a self-nomination form at the bottom of this page. Committee members will receive mileage to and from meetings and dinner will also be provided.

Program Committee:
The purpose is to provide a variety of programs and workshops for members in the areas of leadership training, professional issues, and educational concerns.  Usually this committee meets in the spring to evaluate the previous year’s workshops and programs and makes recommendations for the following year for topics and events.  They may meet once in the fall as well, to review past events and put finishing touches on any spring or summer programs. 

Constitution Committee:
The purpose is to keep the Constitution and Bylaws current, interpret these documents subject to review of the Executive Committee, and assist RA delegates with resolutions and new business items.  The Committee usually meets on an as-needed basis or as recommended by the ECOEA Executive Committee.

Intra-Professional Political Action Committee (IPPA): 

The purpose is to coordinate political activities in relation to OEA/NEA elections so that goals of ECOEA may be achieved.  This committee usually meets once a year in March to screen any candidates running for state or national office (OEA/NEA) and then make a recommendation to the ECOEA Rep Assembly in Spring.  ECOEA has a policy of only screening candidates in contested races. 

Elections/RA Planning & Credentials: 

The purpose is to provide services for
an orderly RA according to the Constitution, Bylaws and Standing Rules.  The committee is responsible for setting up voting and registration materials at the Fall and Spring ECOEA Rep Assemblies.


Social Justice:

The Social Justice Committee will advocate for the civil and human rights that ensure the dignity of students, parents, staff and the implementation of an equitable education to all not determined by creed, economic or citizenship status, ethnicity, ability, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation.

Scholarships, Awards and Grants:

This oversight committee will review all applications for the various ECOEA scholarships, awards and grants and make recommendations to the ECOEA Executive Committee for approval. They will also be responsible for policy recommendations to the Executive Committee.