Not Back to School Luncheon
Mulligan’s Pub

Reynoldsburg Rally September 20, 2014
Door Prize winners from ECOEA at the OEA Summer Leadership Academy with President Angela Stewart, August, 2014
NEA Representative Assembly 2014
Denver, Colorado

Legislative Dinner
Courtyard Marriott March 7, 2014

Retirement Workshop 2014
These ladies were the lucky door prize winners of warm winter treats and a Dunkin’ Donuts gift card.
ECOEA Spring Rep Assembly

ECOEA Spring Legislative Dinner March 8, 2013
Attendees had the chance to submit questions and have direct dialogue about education issues and concerns with the legislators present.
ECOEA Leadership poses with invited Legislators: Angela Stewart, ECOEA President… State Senator Frank LaRose… State Representative, Nick Barborak… ECOEA Executive Director, Bruce Rostetter… State Senator Scott Oelslager… State Board of Eduction member, Deb Cain… State Senator Joe Schiavoni… State Senator, Lou Gentile… ECOEA Vice President, Val Heban…
Attendees were able to fill out question cards and have the legislative panel respond to them. ECOEA President, Angela Stewart, moderated the panel roundtable.
Kelli Green, President of the Perry Classroom Teachers Association, talks one-on-one with State Senator Scott Oelslager during the hospitality time following the program.
OEA Board of Directors member, Anne Bowles from the Wooster Education Association take some time to explain an issue brought up during the panel with State Senator Frank LaRose.
Inservice Fund Grant in Action
Goodie bags for Newcomerstown Teachers Assocaiton members during their waiver/inservice day. NTA members Kathy Ellis and Katie Carruthers thank ECOEA for their support.
ECOEA Retirement Workshop
Held on February 8, 2013
Attendees hear from ECOEA VP, Val Heban and ECOEA President Angela Stewart
Complimentary Buffet Breakfast for all…
Smucker gift box door prize winners pose with Angela and Val… they were Ann Kaminski (Canton Professional Educators’ Association, Patty Chelf (Wooster Education Association, and Donna Ruwadi (Jackson Classified)
Angela Stewart, ECOEA President; John Buch, STRS Rep; Bruce Rostetter, ECOEA Executive Director; Cameron Vaughan, SERS Rep; Val Heban, ECOEA V.P.; Tammy Bixler-Zalesinsky, ECOEA Recording Secretary
The ECOEA Fall Rep Assembly was held on November 17, 2012… here are some photos of some of the activities from the event, including the serveral individual and local association awards that were presented
Twelve ECOEA Local Associations met the criteria in the 2011-12 school year to be selected as ECOEA 5 Star Locals…Pictured here are delegates from those locals receiving their award certificates… They are (front row) S.C.E.P.T.A (Arnette Collins), Newcomerstown TA (Janel Travis), Wooster EA (Anne Bowles), Perry Classroom TA Kelli Green), Massillon EA (Carol Meyers), (back row) Rittman EA (Ed Sims), North Canton EA (Dan Campanaro), CPEA (Geneva Parker), Fairless EA (Jennifer Adams), Lake Local EA (Allison Grimm), and Malvern EA (Mandy Bankert)… Not pictured, Alliance EA…
All 12 locals were then entered in a lottery drawing for a chance to win the $500 award for this year… the lucky winner was the Perry Classroom Teachers Association… Pictured receiving the award is the President of PCTA, Kelli Green and ECOEA President, Angela Stewart…
ECOEA offers locals Public Relations Grant funds up to $500, for submissions of projects that their local association sponsors to support and recognize their members and their activities in their local communities… this year eight ECOEA locals received funds ranging from $250 to $500 each… Among the locals represented at the Rep Assembly are members pictured above from Newcomerstown TA, Wooster EA, Perry CTA, North Canton EA, Fairless EA and Malvern EA… Click on the PR Grant tab on the top of the page to find out more about this program that your local may be interested in applying for…
Each year ECOEA recognizes the TEN local associations who had the highest member participation in the Fund for Children and Public Education… Since OEA dues money cannot be used in support of candidates running for political office that support public education, funds to support those who are screened and become recommended candidates, can only be supported by separate donations from OEA members… The TOP TEN locals for the 2011-12 school year were… (lowest to highest) Columbiana DD Empl. Assn, East Liverpool EA, Perry CTA, Louisville EA, Plain Local TA, Wooster EA, Massillon EA, Triway EA, Alliance EA, Newcomerstown EA… Pictured here are members from Perry, Wooster, Massillon and Newcomerstown accepting their award certificates…
Delegates voted to endorse Robin Jeffries, member of the Columbus Education Association, as a candidate for NEA Director #6… Ed Sims, right, ECOEA Elections Committee chairperson, monitors delegate voting during a break at the Rep Assembly…
Delegates were briefed by OEA Secretary-Treasurer, Tim Myers about legislative initiatives and an election update and gave an STRS update, as he also serves on the STRS board…
NEA Director, Mary Binegar gave delegates an update on issues and activities regarding OEA congressional lobbying efforts
An FCPE fund drive was held at the Rep Assembly and giveaway Ohio State shirts were awarded to the top four delegate donors… They were: Val Heban, North Canton… Dan Campanaro, North Canton… Sally Smith, ECOEA-Retired… and Victor Stefan, ECOEA-Retired… the total contributed by ECOEA delegates was over $600…
October – 2012…
The ECOEA Fall Roundtable was held on October 15th at the Harville Kitchen Nearly 50 members were in attendance to hear OEA Attorney, Kathleen McKinley give a legal update presentation… much of the discussion centered around the new teacher evaluation process
Door prize winners were Joanna Shankland from the Rittman Education Association, and Kelly Green who is President of the Perry Classroom Teachers Association…
OEA Attorney, Kathleen McKinley, flanked by ECOEA Executive Director, Bruce Rostetter, and ECOEA President, Anglea Stewart… Kathleen received the hanging mum as a token of our appreciation for making this event a yearly success, by providing our members with updated information on current legal issues and court cases that may impact everyones employment status and education career