ECOEA offers Internal Organizing Grants of up to $500 to local associations within the ECOEA district to be used to increase membership and engagement of the members within the local. The activities supported by the grant should be guided by the strategic priorites of OEA–increase local capacity to be more relevant to its members, improve the image of educators and build OEA as a resource for professional issues. One important criteria for locals to apply is the election and attendance of delegates to the ECOEA Representative Assembly in the previous year. Delegate elections take place at the beginning of the school year. Be sure your local is holding delegate elections and reporting delegates to OEA before the October 15th deadline.
Qualified locals can apply at this link:
Congratulations to our 2024 Internal Organizing Grant winners:
- East Canton EA. President Craig LInerode, Cindy Pacconi
- Jackson Classified PA, President and Grantwriter Brooke Harter
- Minerva Local EA, President and Grantwriter Katie Reusser
- Northwest TA-President and Grantwriter Barb Newton
Congratulations to this year’s the 2023 Internal Organizing Grant winners.
- Alliance EA-Michael Rossetti, President, Jason Dotson, Grantwriter, Membership Appreciation Luncheon
- East Holmes TA, Megan Mullet, President, Caryn Rubio, Grantwriter, EHTA World Cafe
- Fairless EA-Janice Messenheimer-Courtney, President, Financial Literacy-Heading to Retirement
- Jackson Classified Personnel Association-Brooke Harter, President, Teaming Up Together
- Minerva Local EA-Kathryn Reusser, President, Convocation Gifts for Members
- North Canton EA-Julie Nelson, President, Jen McKelley, Grantwriter, Promoting Elections
- Rittman EA-Jennifer Dziczkowski and Alicia Mayfield, Co-Presidents, Jennifer Daiczkowski Grantwriter, Membership Lunch
- Triway EA-Melissa Radich, President, Triway EA Spring/Summer Social
Minerva Local EA; MLEA Calendars. Shown below are the leadership team at Minerva distributing a calendar to members. The calendars show important dates for MLEA and their district. This was a 2018 Internal Organizing Grant project.